11.27.07 – Pfeisters at Thanksgiving – by Emily

Holidays are so much better with family, and this Thanksgiving we got to celebrate with Emily’s parents Don and Karolyn. They were able to spend almost a week with us, and we just had the best time with them.

Emily –
“So many times in my life I forget all I have to be thankful for. This Thanksgiving I was reminded of how blessed I really am.”

The Tuesday before Thanksgiving my mom and dad arrived here in Dallas for a visit. It was wonderful to get to see them at the airport and hug them again! We had a great week all together!”

On Wednesday we got to enjoy seeing our baby boy, who was very active in my belly! After that followed shopping for lots of baby clothes! It’s becoming a little more real now that we know it’s a boy! We still don’t have a name though. I was glad that mom and dad were here when we found out it was a boy!”

Thanksgiving was wonderful too! We made dinner with all the fixin’s! And my pies even turned out great! Mom made the crust, so it was a joint effort! Ryan made a delicious turkey!”

And, my favorite part of the day – it snowed! And not just little flakes either – HUGE flakes! It was BEAUTIFUL! It didn’t last for long, but it was a blessing – a Thanksgiving MIRACLE!”

Friday we got to decorate for Christmas too! And we played games with Matt and Sukey (the girls won Cranium – just had to add that in!)”

The week was full of lots of poker, eating out, shopping, movies, and just enjoying one another’s company! On Sunday we all went to church, and Ryan and I sang for the offeratory, which turned out to be another blessing. Then we all went out to eat and spent the day together.”

I miss having family around. The Lord has given Ryan and I the best families!”