Well its been a week now since we’ve been in our new house. It has been a little difficult to find some traction on what the new routine is. Emily has been making lists and schedules and trying to figure out the best model for her and the kids (sounds overwhelming to me just typing about it). My schedule is a little tricky too, because my primary purpose is to help my family while stateside, but at the same time, I’m still involved in what’s happening at the school and on campus at Windermere. (Even now as I’m writing this, I’m working with one of the dorm parents on a tricky discipline issue, and I must say it would be much easier to navigate the decisions back there in person) Additionally, I’m still serving as the Chemistry teacher, and the campus staff is broadcasting me in on the projector on FaceTime to teach the remaining sections, where I can see the class on my webcam – its pretty cool actually.
Emily and I keep seeing phantom bugs. We’re so used to opening and closing the door quickly as to not let in any bugs… but then there aren’t any bugs to even let in. Any time we see a little piece of trash on the floor or a shadow out of place it looks like a cockroach or a lizard in our house, but it never is. Every time Emily looks up and sees one of the ceiling hooks for a planter she thinks its a roach. She says every time she goes in the bathroom she expects it to be moldy, and it never is! We keep remembering to brush off all the termite dropping off our bed every night, but there are never any termites.
I think we’ve been living with bugs too long.
Even our dog Tag isn’t itching any more. And don’t get me started on Walmart or restaurants! America is amazing! Once for lunch, I said I wanted a grilled chicken sandwich from BurgerKing, and so Emily went out and got me that, but then got Micah something different from McDonalds, and got herself something different from TacoBell. I don’t even think I would have thought to do that back before we were missionaries on the field… 3 different fast food restaurants for 1 meal!
We are so privileged to report the very many ways in which God’s people have been giving us encouragement and prayers as we move back to the US. Along with your prayers, so many have given us donations to get our house furnishings purchased. This Friday, we have a new bed coming and a new refrigerator, and new tools being delivered! God has provided for all that we need, and even so much more than we need. Christmas presents and gift cards from our church family have provided wool socks and hoodies; I’ve got these super warm boots and so does Sadie! We are so thankful for God’s provision, so even though the transition has been a walk of faith, we see the Lord’s hand involved the entire way. Even for ministry, I’m already involved in teaching a Bible Study on Wednesdays, and invited to preach in the upcoming weeks. Emily has a great women’s Bible Study she is involved with, and we are starting to see a new normal…
Thank you for your prayers in this transition. Please continue to pray with us, and we’ll keep walking by faith, watching what God is doing.