12.31.07 – Showers and Sermons

Our trip to our homes this Christmas has been very full with all kinds of events. First off there are showers and more showers for our little baby boy. Emily will get to go to 3 baby showers all for her (I say “her” because she is not making me go… as much as I would love sitting in a room with dozens of other women talking about how I need to change all the diapers).

I’m pretty sure that after all of these showers we’re all set for everything we need for our baby. It’s unbelievable how much you get at showers. We have different onesies for every day of the year (not really, but we’ve got a lot of them). Thank you to everyone who so generously gave to our first baby, you’re truly setting us up for success, and a special thank you to the grandmas for all their work in setting up these shower events – we love you.

While Emily was “baby showering” and writing out thank you cards I was preparing for preaching on Saturday and Sunday at my home church. This would be the first time that I would get to preach at the church where I grew up. Our Saviors Lutheran Church has been a major contributing factor to financially and prayerfully support us through seminary. Now as we approach our final semester at school, it is such a privilege to thank the congregation and preach at the beloved church which has so faithfully supported us.

Ironically, I got to preach on John 3:16 to talk about how we can give the way God gives. Emily and I been the recipients of Godly giving from so many people, thank you for the shower gifts and for your prayers and support as we continue following God in ministry!