Homeschooling – by Emily

In January, once we got settled into our home, I started homeschooling Micah. I have always wanted to homeschool, but once I sent Micah to preschool it seemed that there was no turning back. He loves his school in Eleuthera! He loves his friends and his teachers! He’s very much a people person. He needs friends! With our move to Wisconsin, and not knowing what the Lord holds for our future, we decided that homeschooling would be best for the moment.

For the remainder of this year, which is his third grade year, we are working with his school in Eleuthera and his teacher to continue his curriculum. His teachers is great! She’s been e-mailing every week with what the class is learning that week, and I brought all of his books here for us to work on. He will be going to his school in March and May when we go back to Eleuthera too. It’s been a huge blessing to have his school be so very supportive!

Along with the normal curriculum I have been having to catch him up on the last five years of American History and Geography. We are learning the basics, that America has a president, not a Prime Minister, the Pledge of Allegiance, the 50 States, and other things like that. It’s been fun!

We start out each morning by praying for a different person in our prayer pail. If you are reading this, chances are your name is in the pail! And we are memorizing a verse each week and following the Bible curriculum from Eleuthera mostly. We are also talking about prayer and it’s been fun to listen to Micah’s prayers grow deeper.

We also joined a homeschool co-op here in our area and it’s been a blessing already! We went on a field trip to the Marquette Children’s Museum last Friday and Micah instantly made friends in the group. I met some of the moms that were there, but spent most of the time chasing Sadie who just ran and ran and ran all around from one thing to another. Her favorite was the slide for sure! Micah even got to hold a snake! We went the actual school meetings today for the first time. They did gym and music with the kids, and it was a great time for Micah to meet friends and get some extra-curricular activities in! In gym they practiced basketball skills. Plus, because we were in a gym, I got a little more time to talk to the other moms while Sadie ran around.

I really love teaching Micah at home! He’s doing great! Sadie is still having some trouble not having the attention. She usually climbs on the couch and watches us and does what she can to get attention. One time she just cried until she fell asleep on the couch. I am hoping she’ll get used to it soon and play while we are doing school.

I feel like homeschooling is working for Micah because God’s given us lots of other things for Micah to do with other kids. He’s taking Taekwondo on Monday nights and has God Club at church on Wednesday nights too. Plus Children’s Church on Sundays and he plays at the YMCA sometimes. It’s been a big change for us all, but God is daily super gracious and kind to us!