1.17.08 – The Greener Flunkers.com

Some people might remember a few years ago we used to keep supporters up to date by mailing out a newsletter about twice a year or before and after our next ministry trip. What people don’t know is that each mailing was costing us close to $300 bucks for the printing, envelops, and postage.

So two years ago, we decided to move to a 100% web based updating system, thus “The Flunkers Dot Com” was born. Now we can send out email prayerletters monthly for a fraction of the cost, and anyone anywhere with internet connection can find out instantly the most recent news going on in our life and ministry.

I’m also happy to announce that after moving to this paperless format we have reduced our ministry carbon footprint by 97% (I totally just made that figure up). Well, I’d say it’s in the high 90’s to be sure – kinda a hard percentage to calculate. But basically, all the cutting down of envelops and paper and the fewer emissions from the mail trucks delivering the newsletters has helped the environment be healthier.

So do the earth a favor, sign up for our email prayerletter (you can sign up on our Home page or on the Newsletter page). On a related note, if you have been following our progression to the mission field you can probably expect to see an informational support packet arriving in your mail box in the next month or two – but we’re making up for the environmental drain of paper and shipping by carpooling to work… I’m sure you’re glad to know that!