North Texas Missions


One of the many hats I wear as a missionary is serving in the realm of pastoral care. On this most recent trip back to the island, I found I had many opportunities for counseling from members of the churches where I was serving. Not only that, but I find I have a greater compassion for the plight, struggles, and striving of our missionaries.

Fortunately, we have some fantastic missionaries, but unfortunately the Klepper family had to return back to Colorado as Michelle nears the full term of her pregnancy. I found myself walking up the street on Thanksgiving calling the Klepper family from Eleuthera, whereas normally, its just reversed and I’m in the US and they’re on Eleuthera (silly timing I suppose).

I thoroughly enjoyed reconnecting with Dona and Jennie. Their ministries are multifaceted, and although they hold professional roles as teachers, their greatest impact is found in their creativity to reach into the community and beyond that which is available to truly live as a missionary by bringing to those in need, that which doesn’t yet exist.

Dona is a never ending resource to so many families in her settlement; from helping with the mundane, to being an ever present help and dependable servant when any need arises. Jennie just embodies being light in darkness. I was surprised and proud of all the random relationships she has made where she shines with joy and hope before those who aren’t accustomed to seeing faith lived out.

I have a heart to see all our missionaries continue to grow in their vision for ministry and their capability on the mission field as determined by finding Christ as their true strength. This is never easy. However, I feel blessed to serve as a contact point in their ministry journey of hopefully wisdom and encouragement and most of pastoral care.