4.24.08 – Micah: Two Days Young

Well I think it’s safe to say that I’ve officially underestimated the affects of a crying baby all night long! Can’t say I wasn’t warned though. Our first night here at the hospital has proven to be a bit of a wake up call (no pun intended).

Emily is recovering just great now. She was overly groggy from the medicine yesterday, but today she has been doing great – good enough to have all tubes removed and even get up and walk around – what an amazing woman (and on a side note, can I just say how brave women are to go through all they do in child birth!!!). Mom and baby are sleepy right now, but that’s probably because we’ve literally had no less that 11 different people come in and out of our room in the last 30 minutes.

Micah had a couple of visitors yesterday and it was great to see our friends. We of course think he’s the cutest baby ever, and we’ve heard from lots of you from the pictures on our website, that you all think he’s pretty adorable as well. Dave Hawkins called this morning and I told him that “I think I could just stare at him forever.”

Earlier today I had him in the bassinet and he was just looking back up at me, and then he would turn his head and look all around the room, checking things out. He seems like a pretty sharp baby to me, and right now his favorite thing is being a comfortable as possible and as close to mom as possible.