It is a privilege to walk through the depths of God’s Word with our students each class time. Even after years of study, I’m continually amazed at how scripture can be absorbed by the smallest child and yet gush out depths of truth as one trying to sip from a fire hydrant.
The students in Eleuthera are extreemly eager to learn. They are diligent to come to class each night and they express their gratitude for the teaching, often saying that it is more valuable than the cost that we charge for classes.
In contrast with some of the other training centers classes, the students on Eleuthera are quick to ask questions and interrupt, in order to maintain clarity and keep in step with the instruction. I believe much of this is due to CMA’s presence on the island for so may years. There is a familiarity on Eleuthera that breeds a freedom of interaction with the teacher. Personally, I find this extremely helpful, for as an educator, it is crucial that I know if I’m “connecting” or if I am missing it.
Recently, we were privileged to have one of our graduates, Donald Sweeting, team-teach a class with us. It is encouraging to see the course training come full circle, so that one who sat though the instruction is now offering his study, time, and energy to teach others. Donald is a teaching pastor at his church, and his insights to the Word of God are quite valuable.
I am thankful for Eleuthera classes and the interest that the Lord has given our students. It makes each night of learning a joy.