12.10.08 – Score International

CMA has been in dialogue with building a ministry relationship with Score International. This past week, we hosted Trey Bailey and David Gaither from their home office, to come down to the Training Center and see what is available for a partnership with CMA.

Score has thousands of people involved in short term missions around the world, and specifically in the Caribbean. They center their mission around evangelistic outreach primarily through sports, however they also have many medical mission teams and construction teams as well.

Our time with Trey and David was very busy. We gave them a packed schedule for each day they were here. We spoke with many of the principals in the primary and secondary schools here about their openness and availability to bring teams to present assemblies, construction, and other ministry outreach events (drama, puppets, etc).

We had a great time with our friends from Score, and it was encouraging to work with individuals who are so like-minded in ministry philosophy. We look forward to a partnership with them that will provide new relationships from Score teams that will be a blessing to the churches on Eleuthera, as they work in the infrastructure already founded by CMA.