1.5.09 – The New Year at the Pfeisters

Our Christmas vacation began and ended at Emily’s old home. Don and Karolyn Pfeister know how to throw a Christmas party, and even though we were in Wisconsin for the 25th, we still had rockin’ good time with the Ohio clan!

Actually, this is our plan for trying to split up family time over the holidays… if we get the 25th at the Flunkers, then the Pfeisters get an extra week with us into New Years.

The first week of our vacation was mostly filled with doctor’s appointments and speaking engagements, but this last week has been party central with cookies stacked upon cookies. Emily’s Uncle Mike and Aunt Susan came up from the hills of Carolina to spoil the grandkids and feast on traditional fried chicken. Don and Karolyn fixed a fantastic meal for New Years Eve, and with all the cookies… there was much feasting.

Then New Years Day morning it was Christmas presents all over again! The tree was brimming with gifts, and after an hour and a half of present opening, you couldn’t even see the floor. The kids were thrilled with their gifts and everyone got exactly what they hoped for… even if Jeremy (Emily’s brother) duct-taped my present with 50 yards of duct and dry wall tape…

Its always hard to leave home again, especially after such a great visit, yet at the same time it helps knowing that the time spent with family was a good at it could be – it makes you look forward to the next time… I can’t imagine what the tree will look like then!