1.30.09 – Alumni-Followup

CMA is blessed to have had three graduations for our students (with another on the way this May), however we’ve learned that our relationship with our students needs to continue beyond the classroom.

There are three basic reasons/objectives for developing a followup program with our alumni: first, is that we need to continually foster those relationships we once had regularly in the classroom; secondly, we often times don’t get to go “deep” enough in the classroom or as practical as we could when we meet with the pastors on a one on one; thirdly, we have yet to see any opportunity for regular interdenominational fellowship between church leaders, where success can be shared, trials can be prayed for, and leaders can find mutual encouragement.

This past Friday we held our first alumni-followup meeting and for all those present it was very encouraging. Immediately, we can see the benefit of exploring those areas where CMA can be a resource to the churches beyond the training classes.

Discipleship and the Christian Life in general demands relationship, and the alumni-followup is our solution to rekindle those spiritual flames that burned hot while our students were still students, so that even after graduation we share the blessing.