2.26.09 – My Birthday Trip Home – by Emily

I LOVE February! It’s the best month, and this year has certainly lived up to the February greatness standard! I got to go home for a week for a visit, and the Lord blessed me and Micah with great travels and time with friends and family.

While I was there I got some quality time with my family. We were able to go swimming at the YMCA with the kids, and Micah had so much fun! He didn’t even cry! He’s a little fish! =) My family also had a birthday party for me while I was there too.

While I didn’t get to see very many friends, I spent some great time with my cousins and a few other friends, and I got to see family I hadn’t seen in a long time. Micah even got to go bowling!

God really gave us great travels too. I was nervous taking Micah by myself, but it turned out good.

When we got back here Ryan picked us up at the airport. Unfortunately Micah and I both brought back cold which we still have, but we’re getting better.

On the 26th I turned 27 years old. It was s special birthday! Ryan stayed up the night before to make me an ice cream cake – he’s so great! And he took Micah that day too while I scrapbooked with a few friends. It was a fun day for me!
Micah is walking a lot more now, and he’s across the room in a flash! He’s very curious and sooo much like Ryan! He started climbing steps too, but hasn’t yet figured out how to come back down. Everyday is a new adventure with him!