3.30.09 – Team Indian Rocks

This past week we had a team from Indian Rocks, FL come work at the Training Center. They have partnered with us for many years, and their team leader this time was even a fellow graduate with Emily and I from Cedarville University: Ben Futoran.

The team was made up of energetic high schoolers; for some this was their first missions trip ever! We had them lined up to work some construction here at the Training Center and some more work at the settlements in the southern part of the island, as well as ministering to the kids in one of the local primary schools.

Here at the Center the team poured a new sidewalk, and repaired our road (may not sound like much, but it was a ton of work). At the schools it was a combination of painting, scrubbing, and digging out an old grease drain. It was some dirty smelly work, but this team was up to the challenge.

We enjoyed our time with Indian Rocks, and hanging out with Ben and his wife Jessica, and we look forward to seeing them again!