4.11.09 – April Bahamian Board Meeting

April is one of the months when we have our biannual Bahamian Board meeting. This year we got to elect some new officers and we got a good look at the future for what the board itself will be responsible for.

We have a necessary need of dependence on our Bahamian Board, and we are blessed to have them to serve the ministry to continue to provide cultural insight for the outworking of CMA’s vision.

We asked our Bahamian Board members many questions about our upcoming and current events and their insight was quite helpful in thinking through cultural procedures and perspectives.

CMA sent over our director Paul Voss as well as Dave Thompson and David Gaither and his family. It is always a joy to have these guys back on the island. Their last night here they took the Foxes and us out for dinner. We had a wonderful them with them during their visit for the board meeting.

It is our prayer that the Bahamian Board would continue to serve a vital role in CMA’s expansion throughout the Bahamas.