6.13.09 – The Texas, YOM, SCORE, CMA Team

Our past week was spent with a small team from southwest of Fort Worth, TX. Originally it was supposed to be almost a 60 person team, however with the combination of a world recession and “swine-flu” – everyone but 3 canceled.

Undaunted however, this small team was ready to work and serve. With the help of our fantastic interns, they installed all the insulation in the back mission house, deep-cleaned the Training Center, prepared the living quarters for our new missionaries, cleared and prepped a foundation of a house, and helped host a week long VBS in our settlement.

Amazingly this small team accomplished more than some larger ones even do, and the weather was also occasionally uncooperative at times!

In addition to being a CMA team, this team was also working with SCORE International and sponsored by YOM (Youth On Mission). As a SCORE representative, Trey Bailey came back down to the island with his family to serve alongside CMA and this Texas team.Their son Evan was a joy to have around and all the missionary kids (Tristan, Micah, and Evelyn) thoroughly enjoyed have someone to look up to and play with.

We are quite thankful for the new relationships we’ve been given with this team and we look forward to what the Lord will do with their church and mission in the future.