7.21.09 – Spotlight on Charlie Johns

Many years ago, I remember missionary Paul Voss asking, “Who do you think is most ‘Christ-like’ working at the Training Center?” I don’t remember my guesses, but I do remember what his opinion was, “Charlie Johns.”

Charlie is our, well, gardner. Although we don’t technically have a garden, Charlie works over our ministry grounds to make things look beautiful. However, he does it in a way different from what you might think.

Charlie working on his hands and knees in the hot sun digging out weed after weed with nothing but a machete. He makes “John Deere” look like a butcher knife with the precision he has in clearing an acre from every speck of unwanted grass.

And he does more than simply pick out the crab-grass; Charlie works to make our Training Center look beautiful. Finding palms, hedging around buildings and sidewalks, Charlie is a SERVANT to this ministry and he does it without a bit of complaining or public recognition.

However, his work with a machete on our property pales in comparison with what he can do with that large knife on his own farm. Yes, Charlie is also a farmer. He grows potatoes, green beans, peppers, and most of all watermelons. This past planting year he cleared and planted approximately another 5 acres just with his little machete.8 to 12 inch trees fall to his arm wielding knife; where any other man would require a chainsaw, Charlie does it with his bare-hands!

Charlie is much more than just an employee with CMA, he is a trusted friend and a model for Christ-like servanthood.It is my prayer that I will learn how to look more like Christ as I pay attention to Charlie, as this little old Haitian continues to serve on his hands and knees.