8.3.09 – Greg and Michelle and the Reimers

Our dear friends from DTS, Greg and Michelle Fink have plenty of experience on the island of Eleuthera. Years ago the entire Reimer family (Michelle’s parents and siblings) lived, ministered, and grew up here on Eleuthera and for a day in 2002 during my first internship all of us CMA staff spent the day with their family.

Little did I know that years later Michelle, who since married Greg, would live only one floor down from us in our apartment in Dallas. With our kindred hearts for the people of Eleuthera and our thirst for the study of Christianity and doctrine we all became close friends.

This past week the whole Reimer family, after saving for months, reunited on Eleuthera for a week of diving, sun and fun. Emily bumped into them in the market and we set up a lunch date.

What a treat it was to have them all over. Not only are some of the kindest people you’ll ever meet, but they are extremely insightful towards ministering here and genuinely interested in the work we’re doing.

Somehow we always have SO much food when everyone brings something. We had a great lunch with them all, and we’re still eating leftovers (Emily even made 2 pies!!).

It is such a blessing to have the kind of relationships that can span years and distance. Greg and Michelle are very special and we hope this isn’t the last lunch we’ll have with them on the island.