8.12.09 – Kari’s August Trip

Even though her team left earlier, Kari stayed with us a few extra days… mostly to cuddle her little nephew. She is quickly becoming the “fun” aunt Kari, always playing ball with Micah and kissing and hugging.

Her time here was filled with investing in her team and staying busy with the schedule we set up for them. However, the past few days while its just been her have been much more relaxed.

We went to the movies one night (yes there is 1 movie theater on the island) and saw Pixar’s UP, however Kari slept through most of it. We also went swimming and out to lunch. What Kari doesn’t think of however is that this is the middle of August and those of us who live here don’t want to spend extra time in the sun “tanning” – even if she does!

We are very thankful for her and that she could arrange her schedule so that she could spend some extended time with the family. Its always a bonus to have an extra Flunker here!

It was good to hear her say that she doesn’t consider our house foreign anymore, but that it “feels like home.” That’s makes everything feel more like home while she’s around. Its amazing that in the morning she can be hundreds of miles away, and in just a few plane rides she can be back again… it makes the world feel just a little smaller and it makes our family feel just a little closer.