10.30.09 – Old Testament Survey – Course 2

These past two weeks we have enjoyed the classroom in Rock Sound again with Dave Hawkins as our instructor for second course in our curriculum, Old Testament Survey.

Our class is such a blessing. The way the Lord has given group of men and women who are hungry for the Word is just an answer to our prayers. Even with course 1 reaching the highest number of students in a class, course two added to that number! It is a joy to see such a commitment from church leaders to study the Word.

Dave, who is also our Director of Training, did a fantastic job teaching. I somewhat expected that some of the excitement from course 1 would be lost in an OT survey course, but the students proved otherwise. Not a single night went by where they didn’t cheer praises to God for sending Dave down to teach – they absolutely loved learning the content and continuity of the Old Testament. Some who even had to miss classes in the past due to church responsibilities, changed their plans just to stay in the classroom and absorb the Word.

Some quotable responses from the class are:

“I can certinally say this class has impacted my life completely; I will never be the same again towards the OT”

“As a result of this course I find myself wanting to read and study the Bible more; this course has brought the Bible alive to me”

“It is enriching and enlightening”

“This course had a great impact on my life as a minister because knowing the Scriptures as well as I do now gives me a greater confidence in myself”

“Having completed the overview of the OT, it has cast a light in my ‘dark tunnel;’ as I proceed to read the OT I will no longer grope in the darkness, but I have gained confidence in knowing that God has spoken then as He speaks now”

“It has opened my mind to the truth of God’s Word; most of the time I stayed in the New Testament because it was easy to understand, now I can enjoy the whole Bible”

While the classes were certainly a great success, Emily and I enjoyed our time with Dave just on a personal level as well. From long theological discussions, to dinner and fellowship we so thankful to have been given these weeks to deepen our relationship with this dear friend and co-laborer.

Tonight the class ended and along with a spontaneous love gift to Dave they insisted that we join hands and sing “Bind Us Together.” It is an understatement to say that they were sad to see Dave leave and watch this course come to a close, however their responsive praise to God and desire to learn has given me great hope and excitement as I look forward to when we’ll be reunited in the classroom again together.