11.10.09 – Freeport and the Fox Family

During my trip to Freeport for graduation I got to spend some time with our friends Brad and Alicia Fox. This past September they moved to Freeport to serve as the first CMA Missionary staff on Freeport.

The first thing to mention is the fact that Micah no longer has little Tristan and Evelyn to play with. Both of the Fox kids were recovering from being sick the past couple of days, but that didn’t stop them from being as cute and playful as ever.

Tristan’s birthday is coming up soon, so Emily made sure to send over a little something for him to unwrap. He liked the card and kite, but when he saw that there were squirt guns – his eyes got as wide as saucers.

Brad and Alicia are dear friends and it was great to spend time with them again. They are adjusting well to life in Freeport and they say that it is even easy in some ways. Currently Brad is spending his time finishing up teaching classes with our current graduates. They are spending the next few months building relationships and learning about all the churches. Now with a missionary presence on the island we hope that CMA will have a better chance at expanding its training school on Freeport.

Alicia’s parents were also visiting for a few days, and I had a great time getting to know them. When you get to see them all together, they are just a beautiful family.

The Foxes are facing many challenges and they would do well to have your prayers. We are thankful for their friendship and their partnership for the Gospel and for furthering Theological Training.