2.19.10 – Valentine’s Day – by Emily

This year’s Valentine’s Day was extra special for us. It was the 5 year anniversary of our engagement! We celebrated it a day early this year because Valentine’s Day was extra busy with other things. Ryan surprised me Saturday night with a pizza! We can’t just order pizza out here, so he drove about half an hour and ordered one from a restaurant, waited for it to be baked, and drove back. It was a special treat for us! He also got a few other treats for me that he surprised me with throughout the evening: a little teddy bear (from Micah) and a floppy hat that I had been wanting for a long time. We had a great Valentine’s Day Eve! Ryan preached on Sunday morning at church, which was also special for us. And we got to share lunch fellowshipping with the church!

Micah just gets funner and funner every day! He is saying tons of words now. Among our favorites are yellow “lello”, truck “guck”, kitty, duck, doggie, and a new favorite is Charlie “arlie.” We have a friend who does our landscaping here at the Training Center named Charlie, and whenever Micah goes outside (even if Charlie isn’t there) he waves and says “hi Larlie!” It’s very cute!

Our favorite activities now are dancing and reading together. I’m so glad that he finally loves me reading to him! He also loves to look at books and names everything recognizes! We dance every day and read Bible Stories and his favorite book “I Love You Through and Through” every night. He also loves to run along the beach! We are trying to teach him how to play with other kids. He’s either the youngest or the oldest. The older kids love playing with him! And the younger babies usually run because Micah has not yet learned to play gently, so he usually ends up tackling them! We’re working on that one!

He’s such a huge blessing from the Lord!