This past week we hosted the Indian Rocks Christian School Team from Florida. They are a repeat team with leaders who have a good feel for what to expect on Eleuthera.
The primary project for this week was working in Rock Sound at the primary school where we do our training. Usually, the school will charge for use of their facilities, however, we’ve moved into an arrangement with them whereby we can use our summer teams to accomplish some projects that otherwise would cost the school thousands.
The project this week was pouring a cement slab to extend their front door step for the school assemblies. We did it in 3 strips, by pouring 1 strip each day. The team loved mixing cement… well maybe not at first. It took a little while for them to get used to the recipe for the mix, but by the second day they were “rocking” it and by the third they were practically professionals.
Along with working at the school, we partnered with local church: Fountain of Life whose pastor is one of our students (along with 6 other members in the church). The team got to lead their youth night at the church and participate in the service on Sunday.
We really enjoyed the IRCS team, especially their leaders Ben and Jessica (Cedarville Grads with us) and new leader Dave. These leaders prioritized team time and the influence of “missions” into the lives of the students. More than anything they made this week a huge success – we look forward to next year!