4.04.10 – Happy Easter

“He is not here; he has risen!” What a wonderful day, and my favorite holiday of all. Easter is such a special time, and thankfully this year we got to celebrate it with Emily’s mom!

Both Emily and I grew up with fun Easter traditions, like egg hunts, baskets, chocolate and coloring eggs. We’re hoping to pass some of these along to Micah, and this being his second only Easter, he is starting to catch on.

We had Emily and Karolyn blow out a dozen eggs and then with cups of dye, Emily and Micah colored a bunch of them. He loved coloring the eggs, but his favorite was taking them out of the dye and placing them in the egg crate. He’d get so excited about taking them out, that occasionally they’d crack a bit!

We spent the time before Easter not only preparing the house, but also preparing our hearts. As a family we read the story of the crucifixion and the Old Testament account of Passover. Then on Easter morning, one of the goodies in Micah’s basket was a kids book on the story of Easter, which he and Emily read together.

One of the other goodies that Micah is now “aware” of are Peeps (those little marshmallowy colored birds that are so tasty). Oh my, he loves Peeps. I think we’re going to need to take a break from sugar for the rest of the month.

Easter is the most joyous holiday, and there was this amazing sunset that looked very “resurrection-like.” Can you imagine what it would have been like to encounter the risen Christ? One whom you saw tortured and dead a few days earlier – NOW ALIVE!

Every Easter we try to spend it with friends and family, and today was no different. After church we had Wade and Tammy and the entire crew over for a Bahamian lunch – which we cooked! Yep, we’re finally turning Bahamian! We hope your resurrection celebration was spent with loved ones – and we wish you the happiest this Easter!