7.09.10 – The Little Lynskeys

Our dear dear friends Matt and Sukey Lynskey have returned home from their time in Tanzania for a very special reason – for the birth of their 2 little baby twin girls! However, unknown to them in Tanzania there have been some complications that require Sukey to be around constant care – and because of that they will spend the majority of their time back in the US waiting in the hospital.

It is for of this reason, and because of our deep affection for them, that I decided to make an semi-impromptu trip to visit them. And surprise them I did (with some helpful planning from their mom)!

It was such a great trip. The look on Matt’s face when I walked in their room was priceless, “What are YOU doing here!” he kept asking! For me it was such a blessing to just be with them face to face. We’ve been praying for them and their babies for so long, not really knowing what the situation was like. Now to get to see them with my own eyes and hug them I feel the Lord answering our prayer to take care of them and shower them with grace.

We had some amazing conversations during my short visit. Matt and I have very similar passions and like two kids talking about candy we love to discuss theology and how it is intertwined into our everyday thinking and actions. One of the more significant epiphanies I had during our talks, was just simply the extent to which God’s sovereign plan is executed in our lives apart from the personal story we would choose to weave for ourselves. And this truth is extremely relevant to Matt and Sukey right now.

Both of them have been diligently studying Swahili, and Matt would have entire conversations with me in Swahili – none of which I remotely understood – but I’m quite impressed with their cultural adaptation and enculturation.

Matt and Sukey are extremely blessed to have so many people who care about them; which is the quintessential curse/blessing of being in a hospital. They constantly had people coming in to see them, and everyone shows them love, support, and care. At one point even the teammates from Tanzania called on Skype and they talked for almost an hour, laughing and sharing – you can tell that the Lynskeys are much loved.

Even in the hospital itself, Matt and Sukey have become somewhat of a fixture, with nurses doing favors for them, sneaking extra amenities for them. Their personalities and gracious attitudes are simply contagious and you can see the hospital staff enjoying every moment with them. To me it is a great illustration of Christ’s instructions that, “you are the light of the world.”

Both Emily and I deeply love the Lynskeys, they were an answer to prayer for us while in Dallas, and we are so thankful to have our relationship deepen even while apart. What a blessing it was to visit them – please keep them and their little ones in your prayers.

UPDATE: We just learned that they had their babies Leila and Abigail were born July 16th! We are so happy for them, and our prayers are with their new family!