7.19.10 – Mike and Annie Kibbe

Our good friends Mike and Annie Kibbe are moving to the midwest from California, and we just happened to be in the midwest too – so seeing as how this doesn’t happen very often, we invited Mike and Annie up to Wisconsin for a mini-reunion.

Mike was one of my roommates in college at Cedarville and in seminary at Dallas. In fact he is the reason Emily and I got connected with Frisco some 6 years ago. Since then he has married Annie and graduated from Fuller Seminary. Now they are entering PhD work in Wheaton, which is good news for us since that means they’ll be much closer geographically than L.A.

Mike and I loved to play guitar and sing throughout our roommate days, and we had a great time pickup up the guitars again and playing some. The few days they got to spend with us landed over the weekend and the Sunday I was preaching at church, so I invited Mike to sing in church with me. It was so much fun, seems whenever I’m playing guitar or singing in church, about half of the time it is with Mike.

Emily and I also go to cook a Bahamian meal for everyone while Mike and Annie were visiting. I’m trying to recruit Mike into teaching with CMA someday. He has extensive background in the OT and NT, and it would be exciting to partner with someone who I have such a long history with.

While in Wisconsin, I got to take Mike and Annie out on the jet-ski – which none of us have ever ridden before. And you’d think that I’d flip it by going over jumps and waves, but no – it flipped while we were standing still (3 people on 1 jet-ski make it unnervingly top-heavy). And to make things even more laughable we had all just put on our warmest clothes for spending the evening outside. (if you thought 3 people were heavy on a jet-ski – try 3 wet people!).

We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends as Mike and Annie, and we thank them for taking the time to come see us, pray with us, and love us!