8.29.10 – Almost Two and a Half – by Emily

Our precious little boy is growing so fast! Every day he surprises me with new things he has learned! He’s a talker for sure! He loves to talk! He can say tons of words now, which is so helpful! I daily beg the Lord for understanding though as he still jibber jabbers all the time! Sometimes he’ll say something that I didn’t even know he knew how to say, and when he shows me what he means I find out that he was actually saying the right word! He knows most of is shapes and all the colors and he counts to 4 now. And, from watching Dora he counts to 3 in Spanish a lot too. He’s saying a few sentences now too. It’s fun to actually have mini conversations with him, because he understands most everything we say to him. He’s a little scientist too. He loves to the rain and when it does rain he tells us that the rain is wet and it comes from the gray clouds in the blue sky. Of course, his way of telling us sounds something like this “Rain, wet, gray clouds, sky blue.” It’s really fun to watch him learn!

His favorite toys remain trains and his bus and trucks and balls, really any boy toys. He colors a lot too, and he loves stickers and crafty type things. We have gone to the beach to walk a lot lately and search for treasures. He finds lots of things! Mostly the things he finds are washed up pieces of broken plastic, but he loves them! And he proudly brings them to me to put the my treasure bag, which I put shells and sea beans in. It’s so much fun to search for treasures with him! He’s at such a fun age! We’re trying to get him to learn how to swim more a little at a time. He loves the water, but he likes to be able to touch the bottom.

He’s a great little help around the house! He cleans up all his toys by himself each night before bed, and he does any little jobs I ask him to do. Potty Training has been put off a little longer. But next week he’s going to go to daycare for a day each week. He starts Wednesday. We have been praying about this for a while. We want him to make friends and learn how to play with other kids, and this will also free up a few hours of y week to read in the Primary school and spend time with some other women here. I think he’ll love it!

Micah also loves music. We dance a lot! And each night sing “Jesus Loves Me” to him after his story time, and he started singing with me. It’s very precious! He pretty much only gets the “Jesus” and “Bible” word of the song, and he sings no notes right, but it’s just the best thing to sing with him!

He’s such a wonderful blessing!