The Lord designed the body of Christ in such an amazing way! I am always humbled when I see Beleivers coming together to help those in need, but I am even more humbled when it’s kids that are helping others.
This summer we have had the privilage of seeing my home church from Ohio, Grace Church, partner with us in bringing school supplies to the Special Needs school here in Eleuthera. During their Backyard Bible Clubs they raised $858 for the Special Needs School!
We were able to purchase a lot of things, including cooking supplies, art supplies, clocks, special needs scissors, measuring supplies, gardening supplies, blocks, a cassett recorder and tapes, music supplies, and much more! Some of the money is also going to build the children a swing set.
The school has 12 children of various ages.
Supplies are very hard to get here on the island, and the money Grace raised was a huge blessing to the school. Not only was it a blessing to the school, but it was a blessing to us to have Grace be a part of the ministry here with us.
With the love and help of Grace, the School for Exeptional Learners, in Eleuthera, Bahamas, will now be able to learn many life and educational skills that they may not have had the opportunity to learn withou their help.
Thank you to all the Backyard Bible Clubs – you are showing the love of Christ to the world!!!!