10.26.10 – Family, Fall, and Faithfullness – by Emily

For the last few weeks Micah and I have been in Ohio visiting my family. We had a great trip!

I love this time of year in Ohio, and I miss it so much being in Eleuthera.But being back there was so fun for us!

I got to do fun Fall things with Micah, like jump in leaf piles and eat candy corn! It was extra special too having my family there.

We got to go to a pumpkin patch with everyong, including my Uncle Mike and Aunt Susan and Ryan’s sister, Kari who all got to visit.

And we carved pumpkins (which Micah actually wanted nothing to do with) and went to the zoo! Micah even got to go trick-or-treating at the grocery store one day!

I think Micah’s favorite thing of all was riding the tractor with my dad. He also loved riding the tricycle and playing in the yard. Micah had lots of fun with his cousins too, and he loved going to church and playing with his friends!

I also got the opportunity to see the Lord work in lots of ways while I was home. I was contintually encouraged by my family and friends, and I got the chance to attend several small groups and classes at church to share about Eleuthera. I was encouraged more than I ever thought I would be.

The Lord continued to supply all our needs! I love watching the Lord answer prayers! So many times we think our prayer requests are such a big deal, but to the Lord they are super easy!

It was such a blessing to be able to spend this time at home. My Grandma Pfeister passed away last month, and I wanted so badly to be at her funeral. She was a wonderful woman who loved and feared the Lord. She always prayed for me and taught me to serve others. I am thankful for her example. I can’t wait to see her again some day in Heaven!