Micah Turns Three

Well, now its official, we have a 3 year old! Now on our 2nd party celebrating Micah’s third birthday, we traded our choo-choo cake for sugar-free cupcakes. Any pastry/bakery item with a candle on top, a festive birthday, it makes!

It has been a treat for us to spend some time with Robert and Natalie Newton and their 2 kids, but is has been an even bigger treat for Micah, and they really helped make his birthday extra fun!

Although Micah has been sniffling sick for a few days (hence the sugar free party), he was in high spirits to open more presents and blow party whistles and noise makers. We even had special presents shipped in from family members.

His favorite was a three-way-tie between new choo-choo tracks, a full toolset with toolbox, and a velcro pretend pizza. Most of all it was fun just to see him having fun and enjoying turning another year old.

Its hard to believe that three years ago our lives looked so different. Who could have known that this is where we’d be celebrating the best three years yet and looking forward to many more.